Welcome to our Integenerational Church learning community. Here are 4 key resources to help you join the conversation about the role of the whole church in nurturing the faith of a child.
Introduction Article
This short but informative article outlines the key foundations for thinking clearly about the role of different generations in your church in helping nurture the faith of a child. Read More
Faithfull Generation Book Extract
Martyn Payne has been thinking deeply about intergenerational ministry for many years. In this longer article he will help you dig deeper and stretch your thinking about intergenerational church Read More
Facebook Group
We want to learn together about this key subject. You can ask questions, let people know about resources and inspiration you have found and much more. This group creates an easy to access learning community for you to participate in. Read More
Resource List
This unique list of resources is frequently added to and provides a foundational resource for thinking about intergenerational church. It features books, resources for church life and articles about aspects of mission and discipleship thinking around this important subject. Read More